landsat_ot_c2_l2: Landsat Level 2 Collection 2 data acquired by the Operational Land Imager and Thermal Infrared Sensor onboard Landsat 8 and 9

Landsat Level 2 Collection 2 data acquired by the Operational Land Imager and Thermal Infrared Sensor onboard Landsat 8 and 9

landsat_ot_c2_l2 whole collection

Last processed
137,925 datasets
  • 19,705,346km2 (approx.)
  • 936 unique regions
  • 12 CRS

Metadata (eo3)

Common fields

dataset_maturity format GeoTIFF instrument OLI_TIRS product_family


Location 🔗 (samples)

Measurements 🔗

uint16 coastal / band_1 / coastal_aerosol 0
uint16 blue / band_2 0
uint16 green / band_3 0
uint16 red / band_4 0
uint16 nir08 / band_5 0
uint16 swir16 / band_6 / swir_1 0
uint16 swir22 / band_7 / swir_2 0
int16 qa / surface_temperature_quality -9999
uint16 lwir11 / st / surface_temperature 0
int16 trad / thermal_radiance -9999
int16 urad / upwell_radiance -9999
int16 drad / downwell_radiance -9999
int16 atran / atmospheric_transmittance -9999
int16 emis / emissivity -9999
int16 emsd / emissivity_stddev -9999
int16 cdist / cloud_distance -9999
uint16 qa_pixel / pq / pixel_quality 1
uint16 qa_radsat / radsat / radiometric_saturation 0
uint8 qa_aerosol / aerosol_qa 1

Total: 19

Definition 🔗